Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO?
Unless you have your head buried in the sand, chances are that you’ve seen the term “SEO” floating around the internet. You probably know that the proper SEO is important for your business, but do you know why that is? SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a collection of methods that are used to increase both the quantity and quality of organic traffic that is directed to your website when search engines are used 🤓. While we all know traffic on the road isn’t a good thing, but lots of traffic is something every business owner wants to see when it comes to their website! What does organic mean? It simply means unpaid traffic that occurred naturally through search results. Proper SEO will bring users to your website who can specifically benefit from your product or service. That is what good marketing is all about, right?
Why do I need SEO?
Simply put, you want your website to be seen! A website with proper search engine optimization is easy to access and understand. When you pay attention to ranking factors and make these changes in your website, you have the ability to create a better experience for current and potential customers while simultaneously improving your rankings. This will increase organic traffic to your website and benefit your bottom line. Our 24/7 reporting dashboard has convenient features like being able to view how your site is ranking on a daily basis.
How does SEO work?
Let's go over the process.
Search engines have crawling processes that gather information about every website that is listed within their results. They analyze this information and rank your website due to different factors such as keyword usage, content quality, traffic, social metrics, links, and more. The tricky part is that these factors change pretty consistently, so it’s important to stay on top of what these search engines are looking for. That’s why it’s important to have an SEO professional on hand! We work within and outside of your website to optimize your online presence and help people find you online.
How did this all start?
The History of SEO.
You might be wondering how SEO came to be the complex process that stands today. SEO can be considered a millennial, as it can be traced back to the early 1990’s when the first search engines came into existence.
The Beginning
The first official search engines were created back in 1993, and simple methods of SEO were introduced alongside their creation in order to catalogue all of the information that was being put on the internet. Architext, one of the first search engines which later became Excite, sorted results based on certain keywords within website content and back end attributes.
Continous Changes
Since many website owners used spam and keyword stuffing to get better rankings, search engines had to adapt in order to be able to show the best results to users. Since then, the process of search engine optimization has become more and more complex! We use proven methods to bring you organic traffic and enhance the experience that website users have on your site.