Website Security
Get ready folks, we’re going to get annoyingly technical in this blog. This may be technical, BUT this information is very important. The more you know about this subject, the more you will understand why it’s important to keep up with the changes we see on a yearly basis. We can’t say you’ll have fun reading this one, but we can say you will learn something new!
Website security becomes increasingly important because as time goes on, we use more and more of our personal data on the internet. For businesses, website security is especially vital when it comes to success and protecting your business! If your customers don’t trust the authenticity of your website, you’re risking reputation and a lot of potential revenue.
The Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS
Have you noticed that some of the websites you visit have “http” listed in the address bar instead of the usual “https”? You might also notice a secured padlock icon in the address bar. HTTP stands for “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol” while HTTPS is an extension of HTTP, standing for “HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure”. When a site has an SSL certificate, it means HTTPS is being used and any sensitive data is unreadable by any hacker as it’s being sent. When a site is not secure, the standard HTTP is used to exchange information. It goes without saying that HTTP is not as safe as a connection when compared to HTTPS.
What is an SSL certificate and why do you need one?
SSL is an acronym for “secure sockets layer”. You get a gold star if you already knew that. This is a method of security for websites that deal with sensitive data. When we say sensitive date, we’re referring to detailed personal information and financial information like bank account and credit card numbers. When a website has an SSL certificate, it means that there is a secure connection while the visitor is interacting with the server of the website. With an SSL certificate, information is encrypted so that sensitive data is unreadable except for the trustworthy server where the website is hosted. Feeling the brain ache yet? Think of it as translating a letter into a different language before securing it an envelope to send out.
Why should business owners care about SSL certificates other than for security reasons? Sites with SSL certificates get better rankings in search engines when compared to sites without them. You will benefit from gaining more credibility when potential and current customers see that padlock representing a secure website. Next, we’ll go in to website speed and why it goes hand in hand with security.
Site Speed: Why it's important
Site speed is best described as the page speed for a sample of page views on a given website. Google uses it as a ranking factor in their algorithm, and proper site speed will be required soon. Above all else, having proper site speed on your website means you’re providing the best user experience for potential and current customers. Slower websites will most likely have a high bounce rate and lower rate of traffic because they can be challenging for users to navigate. When you have speedy page load times, it’s easier for users to spend an extended amount of time on your website, increasing your conversions. This is why it’s important to pay attention to the site speed of your website!
Are you looking to make sure your website is as user friendly as possible? It’s time to get in touch with Inque. Inque has the tools and expertise to ensure your website is totally efficient in terms of safety and speed, increasing your bottom line and overall user experience.

Natalie Thibault
Owner of Inque Media