How Google Retargeting Can Help You Reach New Prospects
Reaching new prospects is necessary for the growth of any company. The need for this is usually why people start working with us ⭐️ . While there are many ways to do this, Google retargeting is a simple and effective way to benefit you and your company. Best of all, it is simple and easy to use. Here’s how Google retargeting can help you reach new prospects. Get ready, because we’re going to show you!
Understanding Google Retargeting
Google Ads retargeting is a method of online advertisement. This allows different sites to show targeted ads to individuals who have previously visited those sites. Basically, this means that individuals who have visited your site in the past will now see new ads while browsing other web pages such as YouTube or a news site. You probably experience this all the time when you’re shopping online, then scroll Facebook or Instagram and see ads for what you were just shopping for. 🤯
They do this because this keeps your brand and products in the forefront of their mind as they are continually seeing what you and your company have to offer. Google retargeting is an effective way to show off your latest products and services, even if the user isn’t searching for your specifically (anymore).
How It Helps Your Company
Google retargeting helps your company by constantly advertising on your behalf. Even if an individual has only been to your site once, they will see new ads showcasing your products. This will likely bring in new clients as when they have a need, you will be the first solution they think of. Constantly being available and before the eyes of a consumer is a great way to ensure that new clients turn to you. This is a great solution to any digital marketing strategy within your company. We’re going to tell you how to start the setup process below!
How To Use Google Retargeting
Implementing Google retargeting can seem like a daunting task, but is quite simple and all you need is an account with Google Ads. After signing into your account, you’ll need to:
- Go to the page me the and click “Campaigns”
- Create a new campaign by clicking on the plus button
- Go to “Goals and select your intended campaign result
- Select Display Network in the section titled “Campaign Type”
- Select campaign parameters including:
- Campaign name
- Location and language settings
- Bid strategy and budget
- Select additional settings for further options such as ad scheduling, content exclusions, and device targeting.
- Next, under the “People” section, look for “Audiences”
- Click Remarketing.
- Click the checkbox next to the audiences you’d like to add. This will add them to your targeting.
- Click Save.
These simple steps are all it takes to set up your Google retargeting!
Let Us Help!
If you need help with Google retargeting, don’t hesitate to call us. Inque Media helps local businesses increase their digital footprint through content and advertising.

Natalie Thibault
Owner of Inque Media